Thursday, October 27, 2011

PAA 9 - Food Safety Webquest

In the Food Safety Unit we will study food poisoning and how to prevent it. To fully understand how to prevent what is commonly called food poisoning you need to know what the major causes are.  Causes for food-borne illnesses fall into three major categories: biological, chemical and physical.

For this unit we will focus on the biological hazards which include bacteria, viruses and parasites.  These organisms are very small and can only be seen with the aid of a microscope.

Biological hazards are commonly associated with humans and with raw products entering food preparation areas at home or in commercial food service environments.

To study the major biological hazards you are going to become experts on one of these hazards and inform the rest of the class on your findings. For this research project we are going to go on a web-quest.

Biological Hazards

Your assignment:
1.  Research your topic.
2.  Present your research using PowerPoint to the class.

The Process:

1. We will work in the computer lab for 2 periods.
2. Chose a partner.
3.  I will randomly assign a biological hazard to each pair.
4. You will click on the following links to Websites  and More Websites to find information about your biological hazard.
5.  This list of questions will help you on your quest.
  • What foods are typically involved with your biological hazard?
  • What are the symtoms of the illness?
  • What are the factors that contribute to the spread of the illness?
  • Are there any news stories about your bacteria? 
6.  After you have completed your research and answered your questions we go on to step TWO.

Slides to create:
  • Title 
  • Introduction to presentation 
  • Provide a picture of the biological hazard
  • Slides expalining the biological hazard - use your notes from the guided questions as a guide
  • Last slide - references
Summarize your information into bullet form
Prepare with your partner for your oral presentation of your findings

You will be evaluated on your research and your oral presentation.

Webquest retreived from and adapted for use in the PAA 9 class.

The presentation will be evaluated using the following rubric:

Food Bourne Illness - Oral Presentation Marking Rubric

Structure of presentation
Information is disorganized and incomplete
Information is disorganized but complete
Information is presented in a somewhat organized but incomplete way
Information is presented in a complete and organized way

Eye contact and voice production
Group members are difficult to understand and speak to only part of the audience
Group members speak clearly but to only some of the audience
Group members speak clearly but without enthusiasm to the audience.
All group members speak to the whole audience clearly. Their voices are clear and they display enthusiasm.

Knowledge of biological hazard (orgamism)
One piece of information about the organism
Two pieces of information about the organism
Three pieces of information about the organism
Four or more pieces of information about the organism

Delivery of presentation
Poor creativity and  knowledge of presentation by most group members
Presentation lacks creativity and poorly rehearsed by some group members
Creative but not well rehearsed delivery by all group members
Creative, knowledgeable, well rehearsed presentation by all group members


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